Left Atrial Myxoma in Pregnancy: A Challenge in Diagnosis and Management

  • Rony Mario Candrasatria, JKI
  • Bambang Budi Siswanto JKI
  • Nani Hersunarti JKI
  • Rarsari Soerarso JKI
  • BRM Ario S. Kuncoro JKI
  • Amiliana M. Soesanto JKI


Primary tumors of the heart are rare where myxomas predominate as the most common type of primary cardiac tumors in all age groups. Even rarer, the incidence of myxomas during pregnancy is reported extremely low in the medical literature. The hemodynamic changes during pregnancy play an important role in influencing the clinical manifestation. The management is vary, depending on the week of gestation and risk assessment for both the mother and baby.
We report a case of left atrial myxoma in 33-34 weeks of pregnancy. After judicious consideration, the patient was planned to have caesarian section at the full term pregnancy that will be followed one week after by tumor resection.


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How to Cite
Candrasatria, R., Siswanto, B., Hersunarti, N., Soerarso, R., Kuncoro, B., & Soesanto, A. (2015). Left Atrial Myxoma in Pregnancy: A Challenge in Diagnosis and Management. Indonesian Journal of Cardiology, 35(1), 34-9. https://doi.org/10.30701/ijc.v35i1.373
Case Reports